Here is a sample of December 2022 through March 2023 activities and general invitations to join political town committees in your congressional district:
*Acton Republican Town Committee participated in "Mass GOP candidates night" on Friday January 13 at Chelmsford Town Common.
Go to fot more information ;
*Acton Democratic Town Committee will hold a "Member Meeting" on Sunday March 12 at 6:15 pm at Spice Pepper Garden and on ZOOM. The Committee held a "Acton-Boxborough DTC Holiday Party" at Frolic & Detour on Sunday January 8 at 4 pm, followed by a "Member Meeting" on Sunday January 8 at 6 pm.
Its webssite posted (*) Acton, Boxborough, Littleton and Maynard Democratic Town Committees' "Affordable Housing Forum: How to Create and Support Affordable Housing in Your Community" on Wednesday February 8 at 7 pm.
Visit its website for details and information on how to get involved ;
*Andover Democratic Town Committee's Facebook is active and welcomes all to get involved ;
*Berlin Democratic Town Committee's Facebook is active and welcomes all to get involved ;
*Bolton Democratic Town Committee's Facebook shared (*) February 7 post of Indivible Acton's " Take Action Forum" on Wednesday February 22 at 6:45 pm at Reuben Hoar Library in Littleton and on ZOOM.
Go to is active and welcomes all to get involved ;
*Boxborough Democratic Town Committee's website posted (*) Acton, Boxborough, Littleton and Maynard Democratic Town Committees' "Affordable Housing Forum: How to Create and Support Affordable Housing in Your Community" on Wednesday February 8 at 7 pm at Acton Town Hall and on ZOOM.
Its Facebook shared (*) February 6 post of Indivible Acton's " Take Action Forum" on Wednesday February 22 at 6:45 pm at Reuben Hoar Library in Littleton and on ZOOM.
Visit and to read current events and see how to get involved ;
*Chelmsford Republican Town Committee hosted "Lincoln Dinner Funraiser" on Saturday February 18 at 6:30 pm at the American Legion 90. The Committee held a "Christmas Party and Collection for the Food Pantry" in December.
Visit for details ;
*Clinton Democratic Town Committee has Lawn Signs for interested citizens, of Candidates running for regional, statewide, and US legislative seats.
Go to for more information ;
*Concord Democratic Town Committee held a "Member Meeting w/ Guest Senator Mike Barrett" on Saturday February 11 at 10 am at the Public Library. The Committee participated in a "January 6 Rally - Take Action To Keep Our Democracy"on Saturday January 7 at 2 pm at the First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church in Concord, ans a "Silent Candlelight Vigil" on Friday January 6 at 5 pm at Concord's Monument Square.
The Committee participated in the "League of Women Voters of Concord-Carlisle Discussion" on the Concord and Carlisle Town Clerk’s reflections of the 2022 Election on Sunday December 11.
Its Facebook shared (*) February 16 post reminder of Concord Special Town election on Thursday February 16; (*) February 4 post of Concord Invisible (and others) " Take Action Forum - Tending the Flame of Democracy : Massachusetts Legislation" on Wednesday February 22 at 6:45 pm at the Reuben Hoar Library.
Click on for more information ;
*Dracut Republican Town Committee Facebook is active and welcomes all to get involved ;
*Dracut Democratic Town Committee's Facebook is active and welcomes all to get involved ;
*Fitchburg Democratic City Committee's Facebook shared (*) December 6 post of Senator John J. Cronin's " Senior Constitute Hours" on Tuesday December 6 at 12 pm at teh Council on Aging in Lancaster.
Visit for more information and to read currents events ;
*Gardner Republican City Committee's Facebook is active and welcomes all to get involved ;
*Groton Democratic Town Committee held a "Member Meeting" on Sunday February 26 at 4 pm at the Groton Center and on ZOOM.
Its Facebook shared (*) February 4 post of "Meet Your New State Senator: Q & A with Senator John Vronin" on Wednesday March 1 at 7:30 pm at Trinity Chapel in Shirley; (*) January 12 post of a LINK for information and application for the JFK Scholarship and Joe Moakley Internship - the dead line is March 10.
Go to for more information ;
*Haverhill Republican City Committee 's Facebook is active and welcomes all to get involved ;
*Haverhill Democratic City Committee is active.
Visit to read news and see how to get involved ;
*Hudson Republican Town Committee is active.
Click on for details and current news and website links to Hudson Town Hall information, Town Hall Committee meetings, and activities;
*Hudson Democratic Town Committee held a "Member Meeting" on Wednesday February 8 at 6:30 pm at Avidia Bank. The Committee held a "Member Meeting and Winter Coat Drive" on Wednesday December 14 at 6:30 pm at Avidia Bank Community Room.
Its Facebook shared (*) February 17 post of Nomination Papers for citizens interested in running for Hudson Town Offices are available at Hudson Town Hall, and the deadline to file papers is Monday March 20 at 5 pm; (*) February 17 post of Concord Invisible (and others) " Take Action Forum - Tending the Flame of Democracy : Massachusetts Legislation" on Wednesday February 22 at 6:45 pm at the Reuben Hoar Library in Littleton and on ZOOM; (*) January 25 post of Representative Lori Trahan's "Office Hours " on Thursday March 9 at 10 am at Hudson Town Hall.
Click on for more information ;
*Lawrence Democratic City Committee's Facebook is active and welcomes all to get involved ;
*Lowell Democratic City Committee's Facebook shared (*) February 11 post that states the 2023 MassachusettsDemocratic Comvention is in Lowell at the Tsongas Center on September 22 and Setember 23.
Visit for details ;
*Lunenburg Republican Town Committee held a "Breakfast Meeting - Conversation and Coffee" on Saturday February 18 at 10 am at Smokestack Roasters. The Committee held a "Christmas Gathering" on Tuesday December 13 at 7 pm at Ixtapa Mexican Restaurant & Cantina.
Go to for more information ;
*Lunenburg Democratic Town Committee participated in the "3rd Annual State House Diaper Drive" on Tuesday February 14 through Saturday February 18.
Click on for details ;
*Marlborough Republican City Committee's Facebook is active and welcomes all to get involved ;
*Marlborough Democratic City The Committee will hold a "Food Drive" on Saturday April 1 at 10 am. The Committee will a "Member Meeting" on Saturday March 11 at 10 am at New Horizons and on ZOOM.
Visit and to read current events and get involved ;
*Maynard Republican Town Committee held a "Holiday Meeting & Get Together" on Wednesday December 14 at 7 pm at Bull Spit Brewing Company. "
Visit for details ;
*Maynard Democratic Town Committee held a "Member Meeting" on Wednesday February 15 at 7 pm at The Sanctuary. The Committee co-hosted with Acton, Boxborough, and Littleton Democratic Town Committees' "Affordable Housing Forum: How to Create and Support Affordable Housing in Your Community" on Wednesday February 8 at 7 pm at Acton Town Hall and on ZOOM.
The Committee participated in a "January 6 Rally - Take Action To Keep Our Democracy"on Saturday January 7 at 2 pm at the First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church in Concord, ans a "Silent Candlelight Vigil" on Friday January 6 at 5 pm at Concord's Monument Square.
The Committee holds a monthly donation drive for feminine products; donations are during the third week of each month, and the collection will be delivered to the Maynard Food Pantry on the fourth Monday of each month.
Its Facebook shared (*) February 15 post of Nomination Papers for citizens interested in running for Maynard Town Offices are available at Maynard Town Hall, and the deadline to file papers is Tuesday March 14.
Go to for more information;
*Methuen Republican City Committee held a "Member Meeting" on Tuesday January 24 at 6:30 pm at Nevins Public Library.
Visit for details ;
*Methuen Democratic City Committee's Facebook is active and welcomes all to get involved ;
*Pepperell Democratic Town Committee's Facebook is active and welcomes all to get involved ;
*Stow Republican Town Committee held a "Member Meeting" on Monday February 27 at 7 pm at the Pompositticut Community Center.
Click on for details ;
*Stow Democratic Town Committee's Facebook shared (*) February 5 post of Concord Invisible (and others) " Take Action Forum - Tending the Flame of Democracy : Massachusetts Legislation" on Wednesday February 22 at 6:45 pm at the Reuben Hoar Library.
Visit for details;
*Sudbury Republican Town Committee co-hosted with the Sudbury Democratic Town Committee a "Food Drive in Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr" on Monday January 16 from 10 am to 3 pm.
Go to for more information ;
*Sudbury Democratic Town Committee will hold a "ZOOM: Member Meeting" on Wednesday March 8 at 7 pm. The Committee co-hosted with the Sudbury Republican Town Committee a "Food Drive in Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr" on Monday January 16 from 10 am to 3 pm.
For details, go to it s website and Facebook ;
*Townsend Republican Town Committee generally meeting during the 3rd week of every month at the Town Hall.
Click on for more information ;
Tyngsborough Republican Town Committee held a "Member Meeting" on Tuesday February 28 at 7 pm at the Chateau Merrimack Resort and Spa.
Its Facebook shared (*) February 12 post of information on where to pick up Nomination Papers for Tyngsborough citizens who want to run for town committees - the dead line to submit Nomination Papers is March 28; (*) February 9 post of Tynsborough Town Hall's "Public Vision Meeting for the Winslow School Parcel" on Wednesday March 1 at 6 pm at the Town Hall;
Click on for details ;
*Westford Republican Town Committee's Facebook shared (*) January 11 post reminder that the deadline for Annual Town Meeting Petition Articles, for the March 23 meeting, is January 24; (*) January 11 post reminder that nomination papers are now available at the Westford Town Clerk’s office for citizens who want ot run for Board positions - deadline is March 14.
Visit and click on the EVENT Icon, and
visit to read current news and see how to get involved ;
*Acton Republican Town Committee participated in "Mass GOP candidates night" on Friday January 13 at Chelmsford Town Common.
Go to fot more information ;
*Acton Democratic Town Committee will hold a "Member Meeting" on Sunday March 12 at 6:15 pm at Spice Pepper Garden and on ZOOM. The Committee held a "Acton-Boxborough DTC Holiday Party" at Frolic & Detour on Sunday January 8 at 4 pm, followed by a "Member Meeting" on Sunday January 8 at 6 pm.
Its webssite posted (*) Acton, Boxborough, Littleton and Maynard Democratic Town Committees' "Affordable Housing Forum: How to Create and Support Affordable Housing in Your Community" on Wednesday February 8 at 7 pm.
Visit its website for details and information on how to get involved ;
*Andover Democratic Town Committee's Facebook is active and welcomes all to get involved ;
*Berlin Democratic Town Committee's Facebook is active and welcomes all to get involved ;
*Bolton Democratic Town Committee's Facebook shared (*) February 7 post of Indivible Acton's " Take Action Forum" on Wednesday February 22 at 6:45 pm at Reuben Hoar Library in Littleton and on ZOOM.
Go to is active and welcomes all to get involved ;
*Boxborough Democratic Town Committee's website posted (*) Acton, Boxborough, Littleton and Maynard Democratic Town Committees' "Affordable Housing Forum: How to Create and Support Affordable Housing in Your Community" on Wednesday February 8 at 7 pm at Acton Town Hall and on ZOOM.
Its Facebook shared (*) February 6 post of Indivible Acton's " Take Action Forum" on Wednesday February 22 at 6:45 pm at Reuben Hoar Library in Littleton and on ZOOM.
Visit and to read current events and see how to get involved ;
*Chelmsford Republican Town Committee hosted "Lincoln Dinner Funraiser" on Saturday February 18 at 6:30 pm at the American Legion 90. The Committee held a "Christmas Party and Collection for the Food Pantry" in December.
Visit for details ;
*Clinton Democratic Town Committee has Lawn Signs for interested citizens, of Candidates running for regional, statewide, and US legislative seats.
Go to for more information ;
*Concord Democratic Town Committee held a "Member Meeting w/ Guest Senator Mike Barrett" on Saturday February 11 at 10 am at the Public Library. The Committee participated in a "January 6 Rally - Take Action To Keep Our Democracy"on Saturday January 7 at 2 pm at the First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church in Concord, ans a "Silent Candlelight Vigil" on Friday January 6 at 5 pm at Concord's Monument Square.
The Committee participated in the "League of Women Voters of Concord-Carlisle Discussion" on the Concord and Carlisle Town Clerk’s reflections of the 2022 Election on Sunday December 11.
Its Facebook shared (*) February 16 post reminder of Concord Special Town election on Thursday February 16; (*) February 4 post of Concord Invisible (and others) " Take Action Forum - Tending the Flame of Democracy : Massachusetts Legislation" on Wednesday February 22 at 6:45 pm at the Reuben Hoar Library.
Click on for more information ;
*Dracut Republican Town Committee Facebook is active and welcomes all to get involved ;
*Dracut Democratic Town Committee's Facebook is active and welcomes all to get involved ;
*Fitchburg Democratic City Committee's Facebook shared (*) December 6 post of Senator John J. Cronin's " Senior Constitute Hours" on Tuesday December 6 at 12 pm at teh Council on Aging in Lancaster.
Visit for more information and to read currents events ;
*Gardner Republican City Committee's Facebook is active and welcomes all to get involved ;
*Groton Democratic Town Committee held a "Member Meeting" on Sunday February 26 at 4 pm at the Groton Center and on ZOOM.
Its Facebook shared (*) February 4 post of "Meet Your New State Senator: Q & A with Senator John Vronin" on Wednesday March 1 at 7:30 pm at Trinity Chapel in Shirley; (*) January 12 post of a LINK for information and application for the JFK Scholarship and Joe Moakley Internship - the dead line is March 10.
Go to for more information ;
*Haverhill Republican City Committee 's Facebook is active and welcomes all to get involved ;
*Haverhill Democratic City Committee is active.
Visit to read news and see how to get involved ;
*Hudson Republican Town Committee is active.
Click on for details and current news and website links to Hudson Town Hall information, Town Hall Committee meetings, and activities;
*Hudson Democratic Town Committee held a "Member Meeting" on Wednesday February 8 at 6:30 pm at Avidia Bank. The Committee held a "Member Meeting and Winter Coat Drive" on Wednesday December 14 at 6:30 pm at Avidia Bank Community Room.
Its Facebook shared (*) February 17 post of Nomination Papers for citizens interested in running for Hudson Town Offices are available at Hudson Town Hall, and the deadline to file papers is Monday March 20 at 5 pm; (*) February 17 post of Concord Invisible (and others) " Take Action Forum - Tending the Flame of Democracy : Massachusetts Legislation" on Wednesday February 22 at 6:45 pm at the Reuben Hoar Library in Littleton and on ZOOM; (*) January 25 post of Representative Lori Trahan's "Office Hours " on Thursday March 9 at 10 am at Hudson Town Hall.
Click on for more information ;
*Lawrence Democratic City Committee's Facebook is active and welcomes all to get involved ;
*Lowell Democratic City Committee's Facebook shared (*) February 11 post that states the 2023 MassachusettsDemocratic Comvention is in Lowell at the Tsongas Center on September 22 and Setember 23.
Visit for details ;
*Lunenburg Republican Town Committee held a "Breakfast Meeting - Conversation and Coffee" on Saturday February 18 at 10 am at Smokestack Roasters. The Committee held a "Christmas Gathering" on Tuesday December 13 at 7 pm at Ixtapa Mexican Restaurant & Cantina.
Go to for more information ;
*Lunenburg Democratic Town Committee participated in the "3rd Annual State House Diaper Drive" on Tuesday February 14 through Saturday February 18.
Click on for details ;
*Marlborough Republican City Committee's Facebook is active and welcomes all to get involved ;
*Marlborough Democratic City The Committee will hold a "Food Drive" on Saturday April 1 at 10 am. The Committee will a "Member Meeting" on Saturday March 11 at 10 am at New Horizons and on ZOOM.
Visit and to read current events and get involved ;
*Maynard Republican Town Committee held a "Holiday Meeting & Get Together" on Wednesday December 14 at 7 pm at Bull Spit Brewing Company. "
Visit for details ;
*Maynard Democratic Town Committee held a "Member Meeting" on Wednesday February 15 at 7 pm at The Sanctuary. The Committee co-hosted with Acton, Boxborough, and Littleton Democratic Town Committees' "Affordable Housing Forum: How to Create and Support Affordable Housing in Your Community" on Wednesday February 8 at 7 pm at Acton Town Hall and on ZOOM.
The Committee participated in a "January 6 Rally - Take Action To Keep Our Democracy"on Saturday January 7 at 2 pm at the First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church in Concord, ans a "Silent Candlelight Vigil" on Friday January 6 at 5 pm at Concord's Monument Square.
The Committee holds a monthly donation drive for feminine products; donations are during the third week of each month, and the collection will be delivered to the Maynard Food Pantry on the fourth Monday of each month.
Its Facebook shared (*) February 15 post of Nomination Papers for citizens interested in running for Maynard Town Offices are available at Maynard Town Hall, and the deadline to file papers is Tuesday March 14.
Go to for more information;
*Methuen Republican City Committee held a "Member Meeting" on Tuesday January 24 at 6:30 pm at Nevins Public Library.
Visit for details ;
*Methuen Democratic City Committee's Facebook is active and welcomes all to get involved ;
*Pepperell Democratic Town Committee's Facebook is active and welcomes all to get involved ;
*Stow Republican Town Committee held a "Member Meeting" on Monday February 27 at 7 pm at the Pompositticut Community Center.
Click on for details ;
*Stow Democratic Town Committee's Facebook shared (*) February 5 post of Concord Invisible (and others) " Take Action Forum - Tending the Flame of Democracy : Massachusetts Legislation" on Wednesday February 22 at 6:45 pm at the Reuben Hoar Library.
Visit for details;
*Sudbury Republican Town Committee co-hosted with the Sudbury Democratic Town Committee a "Food Drive in Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr" on Monday January 16 from 10 am to 3 pm.
Go to for more information ;
*Sudbury Democratic Town Committee will hold a "ZOOM: Member Meeting" on Wednesday March 8 at 7 pm. The Committee co-hosted with the Sudbury Republican Town Committee a "Food Drive in Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr" on Monday January 16 from 10 am to 3 pm.
For details, go to it s website and Facebook ;
*Townsend Republican Town Committee generally meeting during the 3rd week of every month at the Town Hall.
Click on for more information ;
Tyngsborough Republican Town Committee held a "Member Meeting" on Tuesday February 28 at 7 pm at the Chateau Merrimack Resort and Spa.
Its Facebook shared (*) February 12 post of information on where to pick up Nomination Papers for Tyngsborough citizens who want to run for town committees - the dead line to submit Nomination Papers is March 28; (*) February 9 post of Tynsborough Town Hall's "Public Vision Meeting for the Winslow School Parcel" on Wednesday March 1 at 6 pm at the Town Hall;
Click on for details ;
*Westford Republican Town Committee's Facebook shared (*) January 11 post reminder that the deadline for Annual Town Meeting Petition Articles, for the March 23 meeting, is January 24; (*) January 11 post reminder that nomination papers are now available at the Westford Town Clerk’s office for citizens who want ot run for Board positions - deadline is March 14.
Visit and click on the EVENT Icon, and
visit to read current news and see how to get involved ;